Health Vocab Review

  1. 4. how you feel about yourself (130)
  2. 5. body system that covers and protects the entire body (38)
  3. 6. positive stress that encourages growth (149)
  4. 8. planned and structured physical activity (242)
  5. 10. hormone that increases feelings of relaxation and sleepiness (102)
  6. 11. body system that fights infections (54)
  7. 14. body system that breaks down food for nutrients and energy (54)
  8. 15. non infectious disease (378)
  9. 16. body system that removes liquid waste from the body (54)
  10. 17. body system that is made up of bones (38)
  11. 19. plant with leaves containing nicotine (276)
  12. 21. medication or other substance that change the way the body or brain functions (334)
  13. 23. body system that helps the body move (38)
  14. 24. nutrient body uses to build and maintain all of its cells and tissues (194)
  15. 25. trouble falling or staying asleep (109)
  16. 26. addictive drug that alters brain function (308)
  1. 1. body system that allows people to think, use senses, move, and maintain body processes (62)
  2. 2. state of complete physical, mental, emotional, and social well being (6)
  3. 3. ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes (139)
  4. 6. circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround a person in everyday life (14)
  5. 7. disease that is infectious (370)
  6. 9. support (22)
  7. 12. product designed to cover up body odor (76)
  8. 13. body system that obtains oxygen for the body (46)
  9. 18. using oxygen to break down energy (248)
  10. 20. body system that moves blood throughout the body (46)
  11. 22. mark of shame or embarrassment that is usually unfair (173)