health vocabulary crossword

  1. 1. an arguement/fight
  2. 6. liquid tobacco
  3. 11. the state of being good
  4. 14. stimulant found in coffee and soft drinks
  5. 15. when the bodys ability to produce insulin is impaired
  6. 17. something that gives nourishment
  7. 19. to seek harm
  1. 1. a unit of energy
  2. 2. a large group of organic compounds
  3. 3. over weight
  4. 4. drug
  5. 5. under the infloence of alcohal
  6. 7. a firm desisioun to do something
  7. 8. doing something repetedly and cant stop
  8. 9. drugs man made drugs
  9. 10. the things you get from your parents
  10. 12. fear of something
  11. 13. found in the hard part of bones
  12. 16. energy shot
  13. 18. cleanness