Health & Wellness

  1. 2. Health, the state of excellent physical, mental, emotional, and social health.
  2. 4. the blueprint for the structure and function of your cells.
  3. 5. desert, an area without nearby full service grocery stores.
  4. 6. anyone who purchases goods and services.
  5. 8. Communication, clearly stating needs, wants, and feelings.
  6. 10. Fraud illegal activity related to health products and services.
  7. 11. identifying ones state of health and taking steps to improve it.
  8. 14. disagreement or argument that occurs due to misunderstanding or differing priorities, values, goals, or needs.
  9. 16. exchange of spoken or unspoken messages between people.
  10. 17. person's ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life's present conditions are good.
  11. 18. Health, How you observe and interpret information.
  12. 19. state of complete physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being.
  1. 1. Health, aspects of peoples' lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health.
  2. 3. Health, how your body functions.
  3. 5. constructive responses to a message.
  4. 7. strategy for resolving difficult conflicts through neutral third party.
  5. 9. clearly states what you want to accomplish.
  6. 12. Health, how you express yourself and your thoughts/feelings.
  7. 13. Factors, aspects of peoples' lives that increase the chances of a disease injury, or disorder or a decline in health.
  8. 15. Health, how well you get along with others.