
  1. 3. how many neurons does the body have?
  2. 4. what's the long tube structure which extends from the brain?
  3. 7. what carries impulses away from the cell body to another neuron or tissue?
  4. 8. what is located at the lowest part of the brain stem & is connected to the spinal cord?
  5. 11. what contains an area known as the primary sensory area?
  6. 13. the brain lies within what?
  7. 15. what does pns stand for?
  8. 19. the pns includes 12 pairs of what?
  9. 20. what is alcohol?
  1. 1. what does cns stand for?
  2. 2. what controls things such as emotions, problem solving, & memory?
  3. 5. what serves as a bridge between various parts of the nervous system?
  4. 6. what leads the nervous impulses from the axon to the synapse?
  5. 9. the pns has 31 what?
  6. 10. what's the basic unit in the nervous system?
  7. 12. what's located at the back of the skull behind the parietal lobes?
  8. 14. what recieves and stores impulses?
  9. 16. how many hemispheres is the cerebrum divided into?
  10. 17. what lies within the skull?
  11. 18. what in the brain carries impulses to & from grey matter?