
  1. 4. Level 3 of Maslow's Pyramid
  2. 6. When a negative feeling doesn't go away, you should ________ _____
  3. 7. A Developmental Asset
  4. 8. a Part of Level 1 of Maslow's Pyramid
  5. 10. another characteristic of good mental and emotional health
  6. 11. What most people naturally engage in
  7. 12. An aspect of love
  8. 13. PArt of Level 5 of Maslow's Pyramid
  9. 14. Result of acting against one's wishes
  10. 16. "Will it matter to me in the future"
  11. 19. involve changes in our emotions during puberty
  12. 23. Maslow's Pyramid Name
  13. 25. Performing extreme behavior to express thoughts and/or feelings
  14. 26. Triangle of Health
  15. 29. Level 1 of Maslow's Pyramid
  16. 30. Part of level 4 of Maslow's Pyramid
  17. 31. Attributing own feelings or faults to another person in group
  18. 34. Identify Fear, Analyze Situation, Talk about fear with someone you trust
  19. 37. Level 4 of Maslow's Pyramid
  20. 38. A characteristic of Good Mental and Emotional Health
  21. 40. Part of Personal Identity
  22. 41. "Take Pride in Accomplishment"
  23. 43. Reversion to earlier stage of development in face of unacceptable thoughts
  24. 44. Part of Dealing with Intense Emotions
  25. 45. Fear from an imagined threat; needs professional help
  26. 46. Help build a healthy and positive lifestyle
  27. 47. framework for mental health as you grow
  28. 50. Intentional pushing of thoughts from one's mind (CONSCIOUS)
  29. 53. Making up for weaknesses and mistakes through gift-giving, hard work, etc.
  30. 54. strong affection for others
  31. 55. Responding to an emotion (what am I really reacting to?)
  32. 56. A Defense Mechanism
  33. 57. Prompts release of brain chemicals (warmth and sense of well being)
  34. 58. You develop stronger sense of self as you age
  1. 1. Involves being easily discouraged and having less energy
  2. 2. Involves inappropriate response of lashing out if not handled correctly
  3. 3. trying to avoid emotions that cause discomfort
  4. 5. Seeing someone else as perfect, ideal, or more worthy than anyone else
  5. 9. Unintentional pushing of thoughts from one's mind (UNINTENTIONAL)
  6. 10. Healthy Risk-Taking
  7. 15. Top Portion of Health Triangle of Emotions
  8. 16. Fully think out the repercussions of your actions
  9. 17. Another Developmental Asset
  10. 18. Another Developmental Asset
  11. 20. Refusal to accept reality or fact
  12. 21. "Fight or Flight"
  13. 22. Created Pyramid of Needs
  14. 24. Find underlying source of why you feel guilty
  15. 27. Part of being a good citizen(source of accomplishment)
  16. 28. How you can meet needs
  17. 32. Stage of fear that becomes a mental fear and problem
  18. 33. Determined by heredity
  19. 35. values that guide our actions in life
  20. 36. Use ________ to inspire yourself
  21. 39. A part of Level 2 of Maslow's Pyramid
  22. 42. Important factor on how to choose to meet needs
  23. 48. A part of your personal identity
  24. 49. Level 5 of Maslow's Pyramid
  25. 51. Connection to emotions
  26. 52. Level 2 of Maslow's Pyramid