
  1. 3. Disease which is lifelong and results in sores
  2. 5. Test of aerobic fitness
  3. 6. Disease that is deadly to those without sickle-cell
  4. 7. One of the most intense workouts (aerobic)
  5. 9. A type of aerobic exercise
  6. 10. One burns more calories sleeping than watching TV
  7. 11. Pregnancy is divided into three terms
  8. 13. "the clap"
  9. 16. Press A type of anaerobic exercise
  10. 17. STD which can eventually lead to blindness
  11. 18. A type of workout for pregnant women
  1. 1. The word GYMNASIUM comes from what language
  2. 2. Performance Enhancing Drugs
  3. 3. Drug called, "smack," on the streets
  4. 4. Workout used by professional fighters and children
  5. 7. We are about ______% water
  6. 8. Non-habit forming drug, legal in two states
  7. 12. An STD which is hazardous to women, but not to men
  8. 14. Herpes is viral or bacterial
  9. 15. One who has an unhealthy level of fat is___