
  1. 1. a medical concept related to most aspects of our living
  2. 5. tiny organism that live on your teeth
  3. 6. someone who is trained to look after ill or injured people
  4. 7. a signed piece of paper from the doctor telling
  5. 9. a thin, sticky layer containing bacteria that grow on your teeth
  6. 10. involes using a piece of waxy string called dental floss
  7. 11. an injection of a drug given as a medical treatment
  8. 14. a statement about what disease someone has, based on examing them
  9. 16. a doctor who is specially trained to care for teeth
  10. 17. the firm area around the roots of the teeth in the upper or lower jaw
  11. 18. the body's way to react to a chellenge and prepare to meet a difficult situation with strength
  1. 1. a person with special training about the proper way to keep teeth and gums clean and healthy
  2. 2. something you wear if you gave a broken bone
  3. 3. if you don't have enough time
  4. 4. a natural mineral that makes yout teeth strong and helps prevent cavities
  5. 8. a doctor who specializes in correcting the shape or positions of all your teeth
  6. 9. another word far a doctor
  7. 12. it happens when somebody is exposed to violence or has relationship stress
  8. 13. the decayed part of tooth
  9. 15. a doctor who performs medical operations