Healthcare, Tv shows and Presidents

  1. 1. Signed Medicare into law
  2. 5. Largest Medicaid managed care org in the U.S.
  3. 6. Signed the Affordable Care Act into law
  4. 8. Joey's best friend; also a search engine
  5. 9. Federal Health Insurance for people over 65
  6. 11. Founding Father
  7. 17. Medicare Part C
  8. 18. Medicare Part B
  9. 19. First president to be born in the U.S.
  1. 2. Kramer's friend
  2. 3. The Bundys' dog
  3. 4. Evidence of Coverage or
  4. 7. AEP end date
  5. 10. Federal regulator for Medicare marketing and communications
  6. 12. Medicare Part A
  7. 13. Establishes a set of standards for the protection of health information
  8. 14. The Great Communicator
  9. 15. Nation's public insurance program for people with low income
  10. 16. The Rough Rider
  11. 18. Medicare Sales & Marketing Compliance