Health/Skill Related Fitness

  1. 3. A main reason for participating in physical activity
  2. 4. A cricketer needs this
  3. 5. e.g. the time between the trigger being pulled, the gun firing and the athletes beginning to run.
  4. 7. A gymnast may use this
  5. 9. Ability to use two or more body parts together e.g. hand-eye, foot-eye
  6. 10. Number of health related exercise components
  7. 11. A runner may need this
  8. 12. The fifth component of health related exercise
  9. 13. Amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance
  10. 15. Number of skill related fitness components
  1. 1. even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.
  2. 2. Changing direction at a speed e.g. a gymnast needs this
  3. 4. capacity of the heart,lungs and vessels to efficiently supply oxygenated blood to working muscles, as well as the muscles to use the oxygen delivered by the blood supply as a source of energy for movement.
  4. 6. A form of physical activity which maintains or improves health and/or physical fitness
  5. 8. Ability to undertake strength performances quickly.
  6. 14. The sixth component of skill related fitness.