Healthy Body Healthy Baby

  1. 3. Before and during birth or relating to pregnancy.
  2. 6. A period during pregnancy and after child birth.
  3. 7. This gives a woman a high chance of getting diabetes during pregnancy.
  4. 8. Is harmful to the baby and can get the baby taken away immediately after birth.
  5. 9. A water-soluble vitamin belonging in the B-complex group.
  6. 11. Used to decrease sensation below the waist during childbirth.
  7. 12. A division of three months during pregnancy.
  1. 1. The branch of medicine and surgery concerned with childbirth and the care of the women giving birth.
  2. 2. Indicates the characteristics of a child.
  3. 4. Caused through uncooked meat, soil or cat feces and can be dangerous to an unborn child.
  4. 5. A complication in pregnancy characterized to hypertension and damage to another organ system.
  5. 10. At least 70% of women are diagnosed with this during pregnancy.