Healthy body weight

  1. 6. The pressure of your blood when your heart pumps it around your body.
  2. 7. The part of your body between your chest and hips.
  3. 8. Your doctor might give you insulin for this health problem.
  4. 10. To make bigger or larger.
  5. 12. You need to eat more and get your health checked.
  6. 14. Actions like walking, running, or playing sport that make you healthy.
  7. 15. The kinds of food you eat.
  8. 16. How tall you are.
  1. 1. BMI is short for…
  2. 2. A type of fat in your blood. Too much can cause heart disease.
  3. 3. When blood can’t get to your heart.
  4. 4. The size or length of something that can be measured in cm or m.
  5. 5. When blood can’t get to your brain.
  6. 9. Very overweight.
  7. 11. How heavy you are.
  8. 13. Well in body and mind. Free from sickness and disease.