Healthy Diet

  1. 4. Eating too often at this type of restaurant will definitely "supersize" you.
  2. 8. When you're looking for something sweet, eat ----- instead of cookies.
  3. 10. This classic American fast food is high in fat, calories, and cholesterol. It's best left as a special treat for a special occasion.
  4. 11. It's best to replace this sugary drink with freshly squeezed fruit juice or milk.
  5. 12. This is a good source of meat that is low in fat, but watch out -- it can be slippery!
  6. 13. Next time you make a sandwich, make sure you include this leafy vegetable.
  7. 15. Fruits and vegetables are great sources of this.
  8. 16. It's not just dentists, but doctors too that recommend not eating too much of this.
  1. 1. This green vegetable gives you and Popeye strength.
  2. 2. Instead of this, try low-fat margarine.
  3. 3. Don't be a couch potato and eat too many ------ -----.
  4. 5. You can eat these cooked, boiled, steamed, or raw.
  5. 6. People with diabetes can still eat this. They just have to balance it out with the rest of their meal and remember to follow it up with exercise.
  6. 7. Instead of ice cream, reach for this instead.
  7. 8. Eating too much greasy ----- food will make it harder for your heart to work.
  8. 9. Some people prefer this in their hamburgers instead of meat.
  9. 10. People with diabetes should count the amount of -------- in their diet and schedule the right amount of exercise to go with it.
  10. 14. This sandwich ingredient is a part of the food group that is mostly made up of grains such as wheat, rye, and oats.