Healthy eating!!

  1. 1. These help repar any torn tissue or hurt muscles(Fish,beans)
  2. 3. One of your 5 a day(eg Oranges, Strawberries)
  3. 5. If you have too much_____ salt it can make your blood pressure rise
  4. 6. If you have too much of this you can get diabetes.
  5. 8. They give you energy(Pasta and bread)
  6. 9. If you are _____ you are overweight for your height.
  7. 11. This helps your bowels and digestive system
  8. 12. They have calcium within them and they help your bones grow strong
  9. 13. These types of fats are bad for you
  10. 14. Fruit and _________
  1. 2. The goverment guide line of what you should eat.
  2. 3. One of your_____ a day
  3. 4. These types of fats are good for you
  4. 7. You should have 6-8 servings of this a day.
  5. 10. They can come from Vegetables (Eg Minerals)