Healthy Foundation

  1. 3. R in SMART Goal
  2. 7. S in SMART Goal
  3. 9. You have the choice to avoid high-risk behaviors and favor healthful behaviors
  4. 12. Deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors, including but not limited to sexual activity and the use of tobacco alcohol and other drugs.
  5. 14. related risks that increase in effect with each added risk
  6. 15. the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well being.
  7. 16. Getting along with others in your social network
  8. 17. More than talking. How information is given and received. Carefully choose your words and expressions
  9. 19. Taking actions to influence others to address a health-related concern or to support a health related belief
  10. 20. use reliable sources of health information
  11. 22. make good health habits part of your everyday life
  12. 23. Personal habits or behaviors related to the way a person lives
  13. 24. Personal Values, You family and culture, personal beliefs, media and technology
  14. 25. A in SMART Goal
  1. 1. Act to reduce risks and protect yourself against illness and injury
  2. 2. steps that enable you to make healthful and thought out decisions
  3. 4. air and water quality, peers and all the people around you, and collective beliefs
  4. 5. M in SMART Goal
  5. 6. T in SMART Goal
  6. 8. the process of ending a conflict through cooperation and problem solving
  7. 10. Getting along with others in your social network
  8. 11. Getting 8 hours of sleep and exercising for 60 minutes are examples of which area of health?
  9. 13. All the traits that were biologically passed onto you from your parents.
  10. 18. Feelings and thoughts about how you feel about yourself is which area of health?
  11. 21. Communication strategy that can help you say no when you are urged to take part in behaviors that are unsafe or unhealthful, or that go against your values.