Healthy Heart Crossword

  1. 3. One of the leading factors to heart problems include _____.
  2. 6. Your heart is a very important _____ in your body.
  3. 7. To prevent high blood pressure, it is important to maintain healthy _____.
  4. 9. It is important to eat fruits and _____ for a healthy heart.
  5. 13. The heart is part of the _____ system.
  6. 14. A doctor who specializes in hearts.
  7. 15. Too much _____ can be linked with heart attacks.
  8. 17. A blood vessel that carries blood to the heart.
  9. 18. Shortness of breath, chest _____, and an irregular heartbeat are common symptoms of an unhealthy heart.
  1. 1. An instrument that can be used to listen to the heart.
  2. 2. A throbbing of blood vessels as blood goes through them.
  3. 4. ______ is a chemical element that we need to live and can be found in blood.
  4. 5. An action that your heart does.
  5. 8. Reduce your chances of having a heart disease or _____ by eating healthy and exercising regularly.
  6. 10. A physical activity to keep your heart active and healthy.
  7. 11. Drink plenty of _____ everyday.
  8. 12. What your heart circulates and pumps.
  9. 14. Where your heart is located.
  10. 15. Be cautious of your salt and _____ intake.
  11. 16. Make sure you get enough _____ each night.