healthy lifestyle

  1. 2. a visual of the optimal number of servings from each basic food group
  2. 5. rakovina (Eng.)
  3. 6. it consists of eating a healthy diet, doing regular physical activity, and avoiding toxic habits such as smoking
  4. 7. micronutrients helping to fight infection
  5. 10. these are an energy source, help control blood glucose and insulin metabolism (mainly in cereals)
  6. 11. obezita (Eng.)
  7. 12. it contains an adequate amount of all the nutrients required by the body to grow, remain healthy and be disease-free
  8. 13. kardiovaskulární (Eng.)
  1. 1. building materials for our bones, influencing muscle and nerve function, and regulating the body's water balance
  2. 2. they keep the digestive system healthy (mainly in fruits/vegetables)
  3. 3. = building blocks for your body (mainly in meat and beans)
  4. 4. cukrovka
  5. 8. hypertenze/vysoký krevní tlak (Eng.)
  6. 9. mozková mrtvice (Eng.)