Healthy lifestyle

  1. 3. Essential for muscle repair and growth.
  2. 4. Vital nutrient found in fish and nuts.
  3. 5. Liquid necessary for hydration.
  4. 9. Relaxation technique involving breath and focus.
  5. 12. Habitual plan for meals.
  6. 13. High-energy organic compounds found in fruits and vegetables.
  7. 16. Physical activity for strength and endurance.
  8. 18. Early morning meal to kickstart metabolism.
  9. 19. Amount of sleep recommended for adults, in hours.
  10. 20. Popular green vegetable high in vitamins.
  1. 1. State of mental calmness and clarity.
  2. 2. Substance in fruits that aids digestion.
  3. 6. Activity that gets your heart rate up.
  4. 7. Mineral important for bone health.
  5. 8. Practice of maintaining cleanliness to prevent illness.
  6. 10. Essential fat-soluble vitamin for bone health.
  7. 11. Grain considered whole and beneficial for digestion.
  8. 14. Type of sugar to limit for a healthy diet.
  9. 15. Essential vitamin for immune health, found in citrus.
  10. 17. Habit to avoid for lung health.