Healthy Lifestyles/Fitness testing

  1. 2. The 'Beep Test' measures this type of fitness.
  2. 5. This refers to the percentage of body weight that is made up of body fat and can be measured with skinfold tests. Body __________..
  3. 7. This aspect of fitness is measured by the 'Sit and Reach' test.
  4. 8. The 'Grip Test' (using a Dynomometer) measures this type of fitness.
  5. 11. This is measured by push-ups or sit-ups. Muscular ____________.
  6. 13. This skill related component of fitness is measured by the 40m sprint.
  1. 1. The ability to use strength with speed, measured by the standing long jump or vertical jump.
  2. 3. The ability to move different parts of the body at the same time, measured by the hand wall toss.
  3. 4. The ability to change direction quickly-measured by the Illinois run test.
  4. 6. Inactive or spending too much time sitting with little physical exercise.
  5. 9. Skill related component of fitness measured by the Stork Stand.
  6. 10. The condition of being physically fit and healthy.
  7. 12. Reaction time is measured by this test.