Healthy minds

  1. 2. What is the best natural medicine for stress?
  2. 4. What is the name of Bupa’s app that helps you make healthier food choices?
  3. 5. True or false: Every Bupa employee can get free advice on budgeting, work or personal issues with EAP
  4. 7. St Stephen’s Day is also known as what?
  5. 8. Breathstroke is a style of what?
  6. 10. Your savings earn me, your debt collects me. Who am I?
  7. 11. Brush your teeth how many times a day
  8. 13. The chemical that is released after exercise to make you feel good
  9. 15. which former All Black is the new spokesperson for Alzheimers New Zealand?
  10. 17. What does the “A” in EAP stand for?
  11. 18. Which soft martial art improves physical and mental health, especially older people
  12. 19. This tree is known as New Zealand’s iconic Christmas tree
  13. 22. The scientific name of a Christmas Tree
  14. 23. What type of care does Bupa specialise in?
  15. 24. How many glasses of water should you drink every day
  16. 25. this exercise focuses on stretching, balance, breathing, and focus
  17. 26. How many people did Auckland City Mission feed on Christmas day in 2013? Two _______
  18. 28. True or False: Long term, smoking increases stress levels
  1. 1. Physical activity that is good for the mind and body
  2. 3. One of the key ways to reduce your risk of Dementia is to challenge your _____.
  3. 4. What is the name of Bupa’s own bimonthly staff magazine?
  4. 6. Which former All Black is behind Stoptober?
  5. 8. Eat this many fruit and veges a day to keep the doctor away
  6. 9. If you can stop smoking for 31 days, you are _____ times more likely to quit for good
  7. 12. The sun has two types of rays, UVA and UVB. What does UV stand for?
  8. 14. In October, November and December, B:fit is focussing on what?
  9. 16. When is international volunteers day? The 5th of __________
  10. 20. “Santa” is to “Claus” as “Kris” is to what?
  11. 21. When was Bupa first established? Nineteen _____ Seven
  12. 27. Maori philosophy of health and wellbeing