Heard Around the Campfire

  1. 3. Higgledly-Piggledly
  2. 4. Mule-ears
  3. 5. The biggest toad in the ______.
  4. 7. Sodbuster
  5. 8. Gathering in the cattle
  6. 10. Dead as a door _______.
  7. 11. To be thrown from a horse
  8. 15. Cowboy term for "food"
  9. 16. Talking
  10. 17. A long rope with a noose for catching horses or cattle.
  11. 18. Term used to refer to the states west of the Mississippi River
  12. 21. Slantindicular
  13. 22. Hold your _______.
  14. 23. Deceived, confounded
  15. 25. When something is at capacity
  16. 27. A dance, party, or celebration
  17. 28. Iron Horse
  18. 29. Counterfeit gold dust
  19. 30. A trail staple (drink)
  20. 31. Dried manure
  21. 33. After having given something away and wanting it back.
  22. 34. A pancake
  1. 1. Shootin' Iron
  2. 2. To hang up one's fiddle
  3. 3. Meaning fiercely, eagerly, awry, cockeyed, skewed
  4. 6. Whistle berries
  5. 9. Often served with gravy
  6. 12. Bread made from a starter
  7. 13. Foolishness, nonsense
  8. 14. The whole kit and _________.
  9. 15. The chuckwagon "chef"
  10. 19. By the skin of one's _______.
  11. 20. Man who looks after cattle
  12. 24. Complaining
  13. 26. High-falutin
  14. 27. A narrow escape
  15. 32. Strips of meat that were hung to dry over the smoke of the campfire