  1. 3. atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
  2. 8. artery the vessel that is leaving for the lungs
  3. 10. mediastinum
  4. 12. can't breath
  5. 13. a test that measures eight different substances in your blood.
  6. 15. hardening
  7. 16. the vessel that leaves the heart
  8. 17. something that provides energy for the cycle
  9. 18. This is an infection that's usually caused by bacteria, which may enter the blood and take root in your heart during illness, after surgery, or after using intravenous drugs
  1. 1. gets blockages in your coronary arteries
  2. 2. artery
  3. 4. pulse
  4. 5. the vessel that comes back to the heart
  5. 6. a disease of your heart muscle
  6. 7. vein the vessel coming back from the lungs
  7. 8. point of maximum impulse of the heart when felt during examination
  8. 9. also called heart bypass surgery
  9. 11. nursing care plan
  10. 14. instrument to measure pressure