
  1. 5. Small Artery
  2. 6. Largest artery in the body
  3. 7. Smallest branches of arteries
  4. 9. Enlargement of the heart
  5. 11. Valve Valve that lies between the left atrium and the left ventricle
  6. 13. Upper chamber of the heart
  7. 14. Contraction
  8. 15. Vein Carries oxygenated blood from lungs to the heart
  1. 1. A Small Vein
  2. 2. Relaxation
  3. 3. Hardening of arteries
  4. 4. Condition of rapid heart beat
  5. 8. Epithelial cells inside blood vessels
  6. 10. stenosis Narrowing of the mitral valve
  7. 12. Smallest blood vessel