  1. 5. P wave represens what of atria
  2. 6. Largest WBC
  3. 10. Minute Fibres in Ventricular musculature
  4. 11. SAN is also called as
  5. 16. AV septum is a thick ___ tissue
  6. 17. Reptile with 4 Chambered heart
  7. 18. channel in which fat is absorbed in intestinal villi
  8. 20. Platelets are derived from these cells
  9. 23. These ions play an important role in clothing
  10. 24. Nodal Musculature is ___
  11. 26. Cell with highest count
  12. 27. Inner lining epithelium of blood vessels
  13. 28. Closure of this valve generates Second heart sound
  14. 29. Thrombin is formed from ___
  1. 1. AB blood group individuals are ___ recipients
  2. 2. High Blood pressure is
  3. 3. Heparin secreted by
  4. 4. Plasma protein involved in Defense mechanism
  5. 7. Valves prevent this flow
  6. 8. Double walled membranous bag
  7. 9. High blood pressure can affect this organ
  8. 12. Heart is derived from
  9. 13. Heart is size of clenched ___
  10. 14. Open circulatory system is seen in this Phylum
  11. 15. Plasma without Clotting Factor
  12. 19. These neural signals decrease Heart Rate
  13. 21. 90-92% of plasma is
  14. 22. Relaxation is also called as
  15. 25. Iron containing complex protein in RBC