
  1. 3. The largest artery in the heart
  2. 7. The valve in between the right atrium and right ventricle
  3. 10. Carry blood away from the heart
  4. 11. The bottom BP # which indicates ventricular relaxation
  5. 13. Muscle that separates the heart into left and right halves
  6. 14. This pulse is taken in the neck
  7. 15. Makes up 55% of our blood
  1. 1. This pulse is taken mostly on babies
  2. 2. The strongest contraction of the heart takes place here
  3. 4. Tool used to listen to the heart and lungs
  4. 5. Carry blood back to the heart
  5. 6. The top BP # which indicates a ventricular contraction
  6. 8. A normal heart rhythm
  7. 9. The valve in between the left atrium and left ventricle
  8. 10. This breath is a false breath
  9. 12. Shocks the heart back into a sinus rhythm