
  1. 3. Chee Kang's cover photo in FB.
  2. 4. Muazr, Sya and Farah's common denominator
  3. 6. rembau proud.
  4. 7. sounds like an alphabet.
  5. 10. Diyana, Fathi and Fadhil are from this state.
  6. 11. Chye Yuen Tay
  7. 12. Treasurer
  8. 14. Anis' best friend
  9. 16. king of puns!
  10. 18. 3 people share this name.
  11. 19. The Legend of ______
  1. 1. Ayzvara ____________?
  2. 2. ______, doesn't use his every day name on FB
  3. 5. Lup Yee, Ayz and Yang An are from _ _?
  4. 8. Wen Xuan and Aini's high school
  5. 9. the newest comer
  6. 13. Farah, Nadhirah, ______?
  7. 15. Malaysian Night Project Manager
  8. 16. the name of Faruq's and Nadhirah's prep college
  9. 17. 2 letters form her name.