Heart Attack, Plaque, Blood Pressure

  1. 3. normal blood pressure
  2. 5. readings recorded as blood pressure
  3. 7. a stationary blood clot
  4. 8. death of tissue
  5. 9. arrest the sudden and unexpected stopping of the heart
  6. 11. an area of tissue that undergoes necrosis due to ischemia
  7. 14. the body's natural response to a trauma
  8. 15. condition that may lead to excessive plaque build up in the arteries
  9. 17. "blood pressure cuff"
  10. 23. referring or having to do with the heart
  11. 24. the "blood space" in a vessel
  12. 27. a procedure to insert a stent in an artery to hold it open
  13. 28. factors influences that play a role in ones health that may or may not have control over
  14. 29. pressure exerted on the artery wall during ventricular relaxation
  15. 31. chronic high blood pressure
  16. 33. an x-ray image to look for stenosis for an artery
  17. 34. obstruction or blockage of a vessel
  1. 1. a narrowing of a vessel
  2. 2. hypertensive blood pressure
  3. 4. the deposits of fatty material in the lining of a wall of an artery
  4. 6. the formation of a clot that occludes blood flow in an artery
  5. 10. pectoris a general pain radiating throughout the chest due to ischemia
  6. 12. artery disease CAD
  7. 13. bypass the taking of a vessel from somewhere in the body and grafting it into the affected coronary artery
  8. 16. term for an event that suffers from hypoxia due to an occlusion resulting in decreased blood flow
  9. 18. chronic low blood pressure
  10. 19. an event resulting from a occlusion caused by a "traveling clot"
  11. 20. plaque an unstable atheromatous plaque prone to rupture
  12. 21. lack of oxygen due to insufficient blood supply
  13. 22. a clot that travels from one area to another
  14. 25. volume the amount of blood pumped with each systole
  15. 26. the body's response to trauma as a result of a "condition"
  16. 30. infarction "heart attack" or death of heart muscle tissue
  17. 32. pressure exerted on the artery wall during ventricular contraction