Heart CW

  1. 3. This side of the heart contains oxygenated blood.
  2. 5. The function of the Cardiovascular System is to send ______________ blood through the body.
  3. 7. Your Med Term Teacher
  4. 11. Electricity
  5. 12. These prevent blood from going backwards when the heart contracts.
  6. 13. Hardening of an artery.
  7. 15. Pressure in a vessel.
  8. 16. Hypertension
  9. 17. beats per minute
  10. 18. Myocardial Infarction
  11. 19. Middle layer of the heart (Word means heart muscle tissue.)
  12. 20. Outermost layer of the heart.
  1. 1. Hardening
  2. 2. Tissue around the heart. (Not apart of actual heart)
  3. 4. This valve is located between the left atrium and ventricle.
  4. 6. Tissue inside the heart. Also the inner layer of the heart.
  5. 8. Around
  6. 9. What is today?
  7. 10. Cell that clots.
  8. 14. Top/Upper chamber of the heart.