Heart Electrical Activity

  1. 2. extension of AV node, carries impulses from atria to ventricles
  2. 5. pathway carrying impulse from right atrium to left
  3. 6. irregular heartbeat
  4. 9. pathway carrying impulse from SA node to AV node
  5. 10. slow heartbeat
  6. 11. primary body system where heart electrical activity occurs
  7. 12. slows down impulse to allow atria to empty blood into ventricles
  8. 13. system that creates heart contractions with cardiac muscles
  1. 1. pacemaker of the heart
  2. 3. system that pumps oxygen rich blood throughout the body
  3. 4. rapid heartbeat
  4. 7. system that brings in oxygen for the heart to supply the body
  5. 8. fibers that make up the terminal branches of the right and left branches of the AV bundle