Heart failure

  1. 8. this kind of oedema is classic in RVF
  2. 9. an example of an ACE inhibitor
  3. 10. gallop A third heart sound that occurs early in diastole. In older individuals it indicates the presence of congestive heart failure. Caused by a sudden deceleration of blood flow into the left ventricle from the left atrium.
  4. 11. 2 words but written as one - the ethnicity associated with higher risk of heart failure
  5. 14. patients in this stage have advanced structural heart disease
  6. 15. the presence of excess potassium in the urine.
  7. 21. a risk factor for heart failure
  8. 22. the term for thickening or enlargement of the ventricular walls.
  9. 24. two words written as one enlargement of the right ventricle due to high pressure in the lungs
  10. 25. neck veins may be what in a RVF patient
  11. 28. this fraction is a measurement to assess how well the patients heart is functioning, 55-75% is normal and below 40% suggests heart failure
  12. 29. a what antagonist may be given as part of the drug therapy once stabilised
  13. 31. approximately how many hundred thousand are affected by heart failure In the UK
  1. 1. the distension of the neck veins precipitated by the maneuver of firm pressure over the liver is termed as the what reflux
  2. 2. both ventricles may be dilated with poor filling and emptying
  3. 3. is a counter regulatory substance that vasodilates and helps reduce overload.
  4. 4. is a potent vasoconstrictor and causes the adrenal cortex to secrete aldosterone
  5. 5. an example of an angiotensin receptor blocker
  6. 6. this type of heart failure has an elevated left and right end diastolic pressure
  7. 7. What does D stand for in ADHF
  8. 12. any of a group of substances produced by specialized cells (neurosecretory cells) structurally typical of the nervous, rather than of the endocrine, system. These pass along nerve-cell extensions (axons) and are released into the bloodstream at special regions called neurohemal organs.
  9. 13. the abbreviation for drugs that reduce the production of angiotensin 2
  10. 14. these drugs help off load the excess volume
  11. 16. a classic sign of LVF
  12. 17. load the force needed to eject blood into the circulation
  13. 18. an example of a Beta adrenergic blocker
  14. 19. this type of heart failure causes a decreased cardiac output and decreased left ventricular ejection fraction
  15. 20. this kind of artery disease is the biggest risk factor for heart failure
  16. 22. The term for patients in LVF who may cough up blood
  17. 23. depends on venous return and compliance
  18. 26. Beta what are a kind of drug used in heart failure once stabilised
  19. 27. oedema a classic sign of LVF
  20. 30. secreted by the ventricles in response to increased ventricle pressures to counter effects of SNS and renin