heart terminology

  1. 2. this is when the heart stops beating
  2. 7. the "bag" that surrounds the heart
  3. 11. this is when heart muscle dies
  4. 12. an angio_______ is when a balloon is threaded up into a blockage to open it up
  5. 13. the medical prefix meaning "slow"
  6. 15. the inside layer of the heart
  7. 18. the valve that is between the left atrium & left ventricle
  8. 20. the contractile portion of the cardiac cycle
  9. 21. the SA & AV nodes, bundle branches & Purkinje fibers are know as the ________ highways of the heart
  10. 22. all the symptoms caused by coronary artery ischemia
  11. 24. this is the the type of cardiography test using sound waves
  1. 1. the relaxation portion of the cardiac cycle
  2. 3. the striped appearance of cardiac muscle
  3. 4. the arteries that deliver oxygen to the heart muscle itself
  4. 5. the valve that separates the right atrium from the right ventricle
  5. 6. this is a device that is used to cause the heart to beat
  6. 7. the fluttering feeling in the chest caused by abnormal heart rhythms
  7. 8. these are the pulmonary vessels that bring oxygenated blood to the left atrium
  8. 9. the actual muscle portion of the heart
  9. 10. this is when the heart is pumping too weakly
  10. 14. the medical word that refers to an "inner" layer of a serous membrane
  11. 15. the same thing as the visceral pericardium
  12. 16. is the abbreviation of the name of the surgery to detour around blocked vessels
  13. 17. this is the pulmonary vessel that takes right ventricular blood to the lungs
  14. 19. the atrium that receives oxygenated blood from the lungs
  15. 23. the medical root word that refers to fat