- 2. Charlie’s dad (first name)
- 5. Elle can’t go visit family in ______ anymore
- 7. A drink that Tara likes. “Please say you got me ____ __”
- 12. Nick’s dog #1
- 13. Charlie’s grandparents speak ______
- 16. Nick’s boyfriend
- 17. The boys’ grammar school
- 18. the video game Charlie and Nick play, Charlie always wins
- 19. For Nick’s birthday, Nick’s mum gives him a voucher for ______ lessons
- 24. The famous art museum where Tao and Elle have their first kiss
- 26. Rugby lad #1
- 27. Charlie’s sexuality
- 29. Charlie makes a ______ for Tori during art therapy in rehab
- 32. Nick’s dad lives in ______
- 33. She once ate a whole jar of mustard for a dare (first name)
- 35. Nick loves to watch ______ films, Charlie does not
- 38. Charlie always wears these shoes
- 39. Charlie’s boyfriend
- 40. When the Paris Squad goes to the beach, Elle brings Egyptian ______ that her mum made
- 42. Charlie’s eating disorder
- 44. A school subject that Charlie is good at and Nick is bad at
- 45. Rugby lad #2
- 46. In Paris, a drunk Darcy dares Tara to remove a ______ with her teeth
- 48. Charlie’s friend, a trans woman, (first name)
- 51. Little brother who loves puppies
- 53. Nick’s family’s annual vacation takes place here
- 54. The room in Charlie’s house where Olly catches Charlie and Nick kissing
- 1. Charlie’s sister’s best friend
- 3. Nick takes Charlie on their first real date at the ______
- 4. The girls’ school
- 6. she’s always sipping a drink
- 8. Charlie’s friend, kind of resents Nick (first name)
- 9. Nick is fluent in two languages: English and ______
- 10. The boy who took advantage of Charlie and assaulted him (first name)
- 11. Charlie’s mum (first name)
- 14. Darcy plays this instrument
- 15. Nick’s old crush, a lesbian (first name)
- 20. The sport Nick plays and Charlie joins
- 21. Charlie plays this instrument
- 22. Tara and Darcy’s friend who switches to Truham Grammar from Higgs (first name)
- 23. Nick’s sexuality
- 25. Nick’s dog #2
- 28. He wants to make a podcast(first name)
- 30. The author/illustrator of Heartstopper
- 31. The snack that Nick and Darcy get in Paris
- 34. Nick’s evil older brother (first name)
- 35. A light-up sign in Charlie’s room says ______
- 36. Nick always wears these shoes
- 37. science teacher at Truham, dating Nathan
- 41. Nick first tells Charlie about coming out to his Mum in the ______ room
- 43. Rugby lad #3
- 45. Mrs.______ is the rugby coach
- 47. Elle is the only member of the Paris Squad who wears ______
- 49. Darcy sneaks this drink into Tara’s birthday party
- 50. art teacher at Higgs, later at Truham, dating Youssef
- 52. Evil rugby lad, super homophobic, Nick punched him (first name)