Heartstopper Books

  1. 2. Charlie’s dad (first name)
  2. 5. Elle can’t go visit family in ______ anymore
  3. 7. A drink that Tara likes. “Please say you got me ____ __”
  4. 12. Nick’s dog #1
  5. 13. Charlie’s grandparents speak ______
  6. 16. Nick’s boyfriend
  7. 17. The boys’ grammar school
  8. 18. the video game Charlie and Nick play, Charlie always wins
  9. 19. For Nick’s birthday, Nick’s mum gives him a voucher for ______ lessons
  10. 24. The famous art museum where Tao and Elle have their first kiss
  11. 26. Rugby lad #1
  12. 27. Charlie’s sexuality
  13. 29. Charlie makes a ______ for Tori during art therapy in rehab
  14. 32. Nick’s dad lives in ______
  15. 33. She once ate a whole jar of mustard for a dare (first name)
  16. 35. Nick loves to watch ______ films, Charlie does not
  17. 38. Charlie always wears these shoes
  18. 39. Charlie’s boyfriend
  19. 40. When the Paris Squad goes to the beach, Elle brings Egyptian ______ that her mum made
  20. 42. Charlie’s eating disorder
  21. 44. A school subject that Charlie is good at and Nick is bad at
  22. 45. Rugby lad #2
  23. 46. In Paris, a drunk Darcy dares Tara to remove a ______ with her teeth
  24. 48. Charlie’s friend, a trans woman, (first name)
  25. 51. Little brother who loves puppies
  26. 53. Nick’s family’s annual vacation takes place here
  27. 54. The room in Charlie’s house where Olly catches Charlie and Nick kissing
  1. 1. Charlie’s sister’s best friend
  2. 3. Nick takes Charlie on their first real date at the ______
  3. 4. The girls’ school
  4. 6. she’s always sipping a drink
  5. 8. Charlie’s friend, kind of resents Nick (first name)
  6. 9. Nick is fluent in two languages: English and ______
  7. 10. The boy who took advantage of Charlie and assaulted him (first name)
  8. 11. Charlie’s mum (first name)
  9. 14. Darcy plays this instrument
  10. 15. Nick’s old crush, a lesbian (first name)
  11. 20. The sport Nick plays and Charlie joins
  12. 21. Charlie plays this instrument
  13. 22. Tara and Darcy’s friend who switches to Truham Grammar from Higgs (first name)
  14. 23. Nick’s sexuality
  15. 25. Nick’s dog #2
  16. 28. He wants to make a podcast(first name)
  17. 30. The author/illustrator of Heartstopper
  18. 31. The snack that Nick and Darcy get in Paris
  19. 34. Nick’s evil older brother (first name)
  20. 35. A light-up sign in Charlie’s room says ______
  21. 36. Nick always wears these shoes
  22. 37. science teacher at Truham, dating Nathan
  23. 41. Nick first tells Charlie about coming out to his Mum in the ______ room
  24. 43. Rugby lad #3
  25. 45. Mrs.______ is the rugby coach
  26. 47. Elle is the only member of the Paris Squad who wears ______
  27. 49. Darcy sneaks this drink into Tara’s birthday party
  28. 50. art teacher at Higgs, later at Truham, dating Youssef
  29. 52. Evil rugby lad, super homophobic, Nick punched him (first name)