Heaven smp (hard)

  1. 3. The creator of the world and mushroom fan.
  2. 6. The name of the virus corrupting the world
  3. 7. a former founder of monocrome and arsonist.
  4. 9. the name of the third monochrome nation
  5. 11. an iconic phrase uttered by the one and only Chaos when in presence of a child.
  6. 12. an atlantian that became a leader of monochrome and a founder of catalysts.
  7. 15. The name of a nation was never saw the light of day and is one of the first nations
  8. 16. a nation of red, yellow, and blue in a never ending conflict.
  9. 18. The number of times monochrome was attacked
  10. 19. What do the catalysts you as their symbol
  11. 22. The name of the first monochrome nation
  12. 24. a kingdom underwater that house people who cheated their way to the tip and reaked havoc on other nations.
  13. 26. monochrome's cousin nation, and home to arsonists, one of the first nation's to be born.
  14. 27. a half silverfish child belonging to a potato farmer.
  1. 1. founder of bikini bottom and arch nemesis of monochrome.
  2. 2. The name of the second monochrome nation
  3. 4. founder of l'pogberg and friend of moss.
  4. 5. A former member of l'pogberg and mushroom creature.
  5. 8. a netherbeast that became a leader of many small nations and a potato farmer
  6. 10. the name of Pup's mother
  7. 13. Pups favorite flower
  8. 14. founder of l'pogberg and friend of Arson.
  9. 17. The common phrase of the catalysts
  10. 20. Where did chaos like to build their houses?
  11. 21. a terrorist cult group that focused on drawing out the violence and chaos of the world, they succeeded.
  12. 23. a cyborg that became founder of monochrome and the catalysts.
  13. 24. a nation in a desert that housed the greatest evils, one of the first nations to be born.
  14. 25. she who should not be named and one of the evils of the world