planets wow

  1. 3. shuttle that is the farthest out into space
  2. 6. man-made satellite that humans occupy
  3. 7. measured in kilograms
  4. 8. first element on the periodic table
  5. 11. third planet in the solar system
  6. 13. space cloud
  7. 14. space x program
  8. 16. newtons first law
  9. 17. has lots of mass packed into a tiny space, and sucks up anything that enters its event horizon
  10. 18. on earth it's 9.8m/s
  11. 21. distance that takes one year for light to traverse
  1. 1. how long does it take for the ISS to orbit earth?
  2. 2. collection of stars that seem to make a shape in the sky
  3. 4. outer belt of asteroids
  4. 5. nearest galaxy to the milky way
  5. 8. is one of the man-made satellites of Earth and is a telescope
  6. 9. some kind of object that orbits another object in space
  7. 10. the galaxy in which Earth resides
  8. 12. nearest star to the solar system other than the sun
  9. 15. what the moon does to the earth
  10. 18. large collection of mass in a concentrated space
  11. 19. large space sphere object that isn't a star or black hole
  12. 20. the sun