
  1. 2. sits infromt from evelyn
  2. 3. Short-ish brown hair
  3. 7. constantly wears pan flag colors
  4. 8. good at science stuff
  5. 10. amazing handwriting
  6. 11. Always reading
  7. 13. always wears the same hat
  8. 16. dog obsessed
  9. 17. Sits right across from evelyn
  1. 1. sits across from Micheal
  2. 3. loves dragons
  3. 4. favorite song from phantom of the opera
  4. 5. ginger
  5. 6. way to obsessed with stranger things
  6. 7. sits next to evelyn
  7. 9. Short
  8. 12. awesome sense in style
  9. 14. blond
  10. 15. Has braces