Heian Crossword

  1. 1. noun, Chinese origin; the dried and prepared leaves of a shrub, Camellia sinensis, from which a somewhat bitter, aromatic beverage is prepared by infusion in hot water.
  2. 3. noun, Chinese origin; a)the soft, lustrous fiber obtained as a filament from the cocoon of the silkworm. b) thread made from this fiber. c) cloth made from this fiber.
  3. 6. noun, Japanese origin; an act of singing along to a music video, especially one from which the original vocals have been electronically eliminated.
  4. 8. noun, Japanese origin; a bowl of clear soup containing noodles, vegetables, and often bits of meat.
  5. 9. noun, Japanese origin; a small Japanese-style charcoal brazier covered with a grill, usually used for outdoor cooking
  6. 10. noun, Chinese origin; one of a Tibetan breed of toy dogs having a long luxurious coat of any color, formerly bred in imperial China as a pet of the nobility.
  7. 14. noun, Chinese origin; a) ( often initial capital letter ) a member of a feudal Japanese society of mercenary agents, highly trained in martial arts and stealth (ninjutsu) , who were hired for covert purposes ranging from espionage to sabotage and assassination. b) a person who is expert or highly skilled in a specified field or activity (often used attributively):marketing ninjas; ninja gamers.
  8. 15. noun, Chinese origin; a tropical cyclone or hurricane of the western Pacific area and the China seas.
  9. 17. noun, Chinese origin; a major form of Japanese verse, written in 17 syllables divided into 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables, and employing highly evocative allusions and comparisons, often on the subject of nature or one of the seasons.
  10. 18. noun, Japanese origin; an Asian plant, Eutrema wasabi, of the mustard family. the pungent, greenish root of this plant, which can be grated and used as a condiment.
  1. 1. noun, Japanese origin; a dish of grilled slices of beef, chicken, or fish that have been marinated in soy sauce seasoned with sake, ginger, and sugar.
  2. 2. noun, Japanese origin; a puzzle printed on a square grid of nine large squares each subdivided into nine smaller squares, the object of which is to fill in each of the 81 squares so that each column, row, and large square contains every number from 1 to 9.
  3. 4. noun, Chinese origin; a condiment consisting of puréed tomatoes, onions, vinegar, sugar, spices, etc.
  4. 5. noun, Chinese origin; a seagoing ship with a traditional Chinese design and used primarily in Chinese waters, having square sails spread by battens, a high stern, and usually a flat bottom
  5. 7. noun, Japanese origin; a) the traditional Japanese art or technique of folding paper into a variety of decorative or representational forms, as of animals or flowers. b) an object made by origami.
  6. 11. noun, Japanese origin; an unusually large sea wave produced by a seaquake or undersea volcanic eruption.
  7. 12. noun, Chinese origin; a) a bushy Old World plant, Glycine max, of the legume family, grown in the U.S., chiefly for forage and soil improvement. b) the seed of this plant, used for food, as a livestock feed, and for a variety of other commercial uses.
  8. 13. noun, Japanese origin; a leader, especially an assertive leader; chief.
  9. 15. noun, Chinese origin; a soft, bland, white cheese-like food, high in protein content, made from curdled soybean milk: used in Asian and vegetarian cookery.
  10. 16. noun, Japanese origin; cold boiled rice moistened with rice vinegar, usually shaped into bite-size pieces and topped with raw seafood (nigiri-zushi)or formed into a long seaweed-wrapped roll, often around strips of vegetable or raw fish, and sliced into bite-size pieces(maki-zushi)