Hellenistic Era

  1. 2. First to establish the principles of geometry
  2. 8. First to write a medical code of good behavior
  3. 13. Created a system to explain how planets and stars move
  4. 14. Another one of the important philosopher
  5. 15. Love of physical nature
  6. 16. Zeno developed this
  7. 18. a geometry of ball like shapes,spheres, and cylinders
  1. 1. Where the word "stoa" came from
  2. 2. A geometry that shows points, lines, and surfaces
  3. 3. Poet who wrote short poems about nature
  4. 4. Person who studies stars, planets, and heavenly bodies
  5. 5. Archimedes invented this
  6. 6. Figured the earth is round
  7. 7. One of the importanat philosophers
  8. 8. Epcureanism's goal of life
  9. 9. Tells the legend of Jason and his band of heroes
  10. 10. Expanded knowledge of mathematics and astronomy
  11. 11. Established the science of physics
  12. 12. Wrote a book that organized info about geometry
  13. 17. Best known playwright