  1. 4. what has many teeth, but cannot bite?
  2. 6. what goes up but never comes down?
  3. 8. what has to be broken before you can use it?
  4. 9. 46th U.S. president
  5. 10. I make 2 people out of 1
  6. 11. capital of Australia
  7. 12. I have branches, but no fruits, trunk or leaves. what am I?
  8. 13. German music composer & pianist
  9. 14. which 5 letter word becomes shorter when you add 2 letters to it?
  10. 16. what has many keys but can't open a single lock?
  11. 19. number of schools in SMU
  12. 21. when does 10+3=1?
  13. 22. 1st Mrt station to be built?
  14. 24. SMU CCA Fair
  15. 27. what is able to travel the world while staying in a corner?
  16. 28. nearest school library to SOE
  17. 30. which elephant cannot jump?
  18. 33. how many teeth do adults have?
  19. 34. colour of rose that symbolises friendship
  20. 35. SMU law library
  1. 1. what word is pronounced the same if you take away four of its five letters?
  2. 2. what can you catch but never throw
  3. 3. when do you go at red and stop at green?
  4. 5. nearest Downtown Line MRT Station in SMU
  5. 7. a way to start an essay in the introduction
  6. 10. I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. what am I?
  7. 15. poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. what is it?
  8. 17. I'm made up of water but I die in water
  9. 18. what is the largest bird?
  10. 20. bubble tea at SMU LKCSB
  11. 23. what building has the most stories?
  12. 25. Singapore's main language
  13. 26. religious veil worn by muslim women
  14. 29. I'm tall when I'm young. I'm short when I'm old.
  15. 31. what can't talk but will reply when spoken to?
  16. 32. I follow you all the time and copy your every move but you can't touch me or catch me