Hello Winter!

  1. 3. This helps you get warm in the winter
  2. 5. The color of snow
  3. 7. December 25th
  4. 10. What appears under the Christmas tree
  5. 11. Made of 3 snow balls and has a face
  6. 12. You wear them on your feet in the snow
  7. 13. They keep your hands warm and dry
  8. 14. You can wrap this around your neck to get warm
  9. 15. A long piece of ice that hangs from your roof
  1. 1. You decorate this for Christmas
  2. 2. People hang these on the house during Christmas
  3. 4. The month of Christmas
  4. 6. Frozen water or snow
  5. 8. White flakes that fall from the sky
  6. 9. You use this to pick up snow
  7. 14. You ride on this down a snowy hill