helo aril

  1. 2. I want to..you when at 26(klo bs amin)
  2. 3. What I want right now
  3. 4. You are..more than anything
  4. 6. favorite kpop band
  5. 7. What we need every single day
  6. 9. I am always..when with you, (H_ _ _ _Y)
  7. 11. A subject you dislike/hate
  8. 13. Your favorite color other than Black
  9. 14. Once we're stable, we're gonna open up a cute..
  1. 1. Orang jilbaban w panggil
  2. 5. Kamu itu orang yang..
  3. 8. Will you be my?
  4. 9. You need to prioritize your..
  5. 10. Someone that matters most to me
  6. 12. Toto itu