- 3. something to hang on a wall
- 6. showing kindness to others
- 8. large marsupial
- 9. feeder Where birds can get food
- 10. sustenance of life
- 11. charitable organization
- 14. location of Spencerport Kiwanis
- 18. something floating in sky
- 19. has a trunk
- 21. what you earn by doing this puzzle
- 22. sour dough, white, rye or whole wheat
- 24. give something needed
- 25. Yappy animal
- 26. to aid someone
- 27. animal that neighs
- 29. a great trait to have
- 31. something flat that covers us and keeps us warm
- 1. a relationship between people
- 2. Showing kindness and concern for others
- 4. a chirper
- 5. what you can open and close to control the temperature
- 6. keeps us covered and warm
- 7. Likes to chase mice
- 10. sly as a
- 12. divide in half and give part to another
- 13. warm fuzzy feelings
- 14. rodent that loves acorns
- 15. where you can sit
- 16. 13 to 19 year old
- 17. flying mammal
- 20. just walking child
- 23. frozen treat
- 28. cookie with three layers
- 30. tiny human who coos