  1. 1. customers with a personalized, easy-to-read summary of all lines on the account and includes plan details as well as services and features
  2. 3. by customer care representatives to research and adjust mobile download purchase
  3. 5. effortless access to view customer’s account history for payments, arrangements, upgrade eligibility
  4. 6. system is considered our contact management system
  5. 8. tool can be used to mirror the customer’s account online
  6. 9. tool can be used to help the customer find a store in their area or any area in need to
  7. 15. treatment for collections status customers according to certain criteria, such as credit class, tenure, and history
  8. 16. tool can be used to help the customer select the best data plan (1st Part)
  1. 2. does the "s" in csp stand for
  2. 4. used that allows reps to process payments electronically
  3. 7. does the "p" in csp stand for
  4. 10. billing and Customer Service system
  5. 11. tool can be used to help the customer select the best data plan (2nd Part)
  6. 12. does the "c" in csp stand for
  7. 13. that can be used to send the customer a text message , reset voicemail passcode
  8. 14. tool can used and is considered AT&T’S knowledge base library