Helping verbs puzzle

  1. 2. She ___ reading.
  2. 4. They ____ wearing corresponding sweaters.
  3. 5. ___ i start baking?
  4. 7. ___ i start carrying things in?
  5. 9. I felt my brother wasn't _____ understanding.
  6. 11. We ____ be leaving.
  7. 12. He ___ good wellbeing.
  8. 14. What ___ you been doing.
  9. 15. _____ you please be going?
  10. 18. ___ you do the shopping?
  11. 19. _____ we start dancing?
  1. 1. You ____ nothing done.
  2. 3. I had ____ helping all this time.
  3. 6. You ___ being disrespectful.
  4. 7. We _____ go traveling.
  5. 8. _____ you stop fighting?
  6. 9. He will __ helping my sister decorate.
  7. 10. This __ a misunderstanding.
  8. 13. ______ i be freezing this?
  9. 16. what ____ he do for a living
  10. 17. ____ he be coming?
  11. 18. Santa won't come if you don't __ good things.
  12. 20. I __ being helpful.