Hemolytic Anemia

  1. 3. Name of test that can show if your body is making antibodies to destroy RBCs
  2. 5. A person with Hemolytic anemia needs to avoid ___ temps
  3. 6. Surgery made be required to remove this organ
  4. 7. Medicine that reduces the strength of your immune system
  5. 8. Doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating blood diseases and disorders
  6. 11. Increased heart rate
  7. 13. This type of HA is passed by parents to their children
  8. 14. Hemolytic anemia can be inherited or ____
  9. 15. Yellow coloring of the skin, eyes and mouth
  10. 17. disorder where RBCs are destroyed faster than they are made
  1. 1. Occurs when large numbers of RBCs are destroyed over a short amount of time
  2. 2. Destruction of RBC
  3. 4. Another name for erythrocytes
  4. 9. Broken apart
  5. 10. Red blood cells contain a protein called
  6. 12. Body mistakenly attacking normal cells
  7. 16. A condition in which the blood does not have enough healthy RBCs