Herch's Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. Points north to magnetic south pole
  2. 3. Hotspot on N. American plate
  3. 5. Density of oceanic crust
  4. 6. Continental Drift Dude
  5. 10. Type of divergent boundary
  6. 11. Circulation of heat in Asthenosphere
  7. 12. Magnetic mineral in oceanic crust
  8. 13. San Andreas Fault
  9. 16. Hawaii, Iceland, or Easter Island
  10. 18. Crashing into Eurasia forming Himalaya Mtns.
  11. 20. Outer Core is
  12. 21. Mountains near Peru-Chile Trench
  13. 23. Large mass of flowing ice
  14. 25. Created at subduction zones
  15. 26. Deepest ocean trench
  16. 27. Seafloor spreading guy
  17. 29. sound waves used to measure depth
  18. 30. Plate subducted under S. America
  19. 31. Planet with no magnetic field
  20. 32. Roth's other cat
  21. 33. ESRT Earth's Interior Chart
  1. 2. 3.5 million atmospheres
  2. 4. Used to study Earth's composition
  3. 7. ESRT Tectonic Plate Map
  4. 8. Continental crust
  5. 9. Boundary between crust & Rigid Mantle
  6. 14. Plastic Mantle
  7. 15. As distance from M.O.R. increases, crust gets
  8. 17. When 1 plate is drawn under another
  9. 19. Oceanic crust
  10. 22. EQ waves change their speed & direction
  11. 24. Crust & Rigid Mantle
  12. 27. Island where magnetic lava is tested
  13. 28. Supercontinent
  14. 33. Ring of fire plate