Here in Spirit

  1. 2. Fixed an ankle and a bench.
  2. 6. Complement after an action verb?
  3. 10. Mrs. March
  4. 11. Unit 3.
  5. 13. I can deal with falls and sheep, but not _________.
  6. 14. Whose hairy legs are hanging from the ceiling!
  7. 15. The arrow is a ____________.
  8. 16. I want some pricy pink plastic.
  9. 18. Worth ten percent of your grade.
  10. 20. Don't eat all the _____________.
  11. 21. Tell me it ain't so, Dad.
  12. 22. Needed room for the elbows.
  1. 1. Jinks received a ___________ for his troubles.
  2. 2. Sweet kicks.
  3. 3. President who recognized Thanksgiving as a national holiday.
  4. 4. Either / or... neither / nor....look at the subject closest to the _________
  5. 5. You need to let the Holy Spirit ____________.
  6. 7. At the end of twenty years.
  7. 8. Almanzo's dad's name.
  8. 9. Compliment that can come after a linking verb
  9. 12. He was dead to begin with.
  10. 17. Noun that stands for a group of people or things.
  11. 19. A man of quiet courage