Heredity & Genetics Vocabulary

  1. 2. Example: Brown eyes.
  2. 5. Father of genetics.
  3. 8. Made up of DNA, tell the cell what to do.
  4. 10. The actual code about the traits.
  5. 13. There are 4 that combine in different ways.
  6. 14. Specific sequence of DNA.
  7. 15. Example: Blue eyes.
  1. 1. helix The shape of DNA.
  2. 3. The brain of the cell.
  3. 4. The use of DNA to help solve crimes.
  4. 6. When certain traits are passed down.
  5. 7. The complete set of instructions of DNA.
  6. 9. Organisms that have the same set of genes.
  7. 11. Made up of DNA.
  8. 12. How traits are passed down from parents.