Hero's and Villian's

  1. 3. Clown arch nemesis of Batman
  2. 7. Leader of the X-men who is mobility impaired and has telekinesis powers
  3. 8. Anti-hero and love interest of batman who wields a whip
  4. 9. Alternate ego of Bruce Wayne
  5. 10. Marvel character who wears a suit of iron
  6. 12. Goblin Supervillain who is spider-mans arch nemesis
  7. 14. Criminal mastermind who incorporates riddles
  8. 15. DC superhero who has the ability to control sea creatures
  9. 16. Member of the X-men who has the ability to control weather
  10. 17. DC character who is fast as lightning
  11. 18. Batman’s side kick
  12. 20. Marvel character with metal claws
  13. 21. Marvel character who is green and strong
  1. 1. DC character who gets his power from a green ring
  2. 2. Amazonian princess who wields a lasso
  3. 4. Son of Krypton and has a weakness of kryptonite
  4. 5. Teenage boy who shoots webs
  5. 6. American super soldier who wields a shield
  6. 11. God of thunder who wields a hammer
  7. 13. King/Queen of Wakanda
  8. 15. Marvel Character who is able to transform to microscopic sizes
  9. 19. Covert agent who is named after a spider