  1. 4. Can grow back and change after chemo (Curly,texture and color)
  2. 5. Previously called rales, aveoli filling
  3. 7. Effective emetic given before Chemotherapy
  4. 8. route used when medication is placed under the tongue
  5. 9. 30 units of NPH + 20 UNITS OF Aspart
  6. 11. Cant be instructed to notify client when PN will be available
  7. 12. Protrusion of organs through a wound can lead to shock
  1. 1. Area to check infants glucose when mom had gest diabetes
  2. 2. Communication is open ended and acknowledges feelings
  3. 3. This helps the PN organize care
  4. 6. Hormone used to treat anemia in CKD when kidneys dont make
  5. 8. Very low levels can indicate water intoxication-eval ice eaten
  6. 10. Serum level indicates myocardial cell damage