  1. 4. Medication class used to strengthen heart contractions
  2. 5. Drug that lowers BP and HR, ending in -lol
  3. 7. CI of Aldosterone antagonist
  4. 9. type of medication used to treat fluid overload
  5. 10. venodilator and in high doses cause arterial vasodilation used in ADHF
  6. 11. for HFrEF, HFpEF, CKD +/- Diabetes
  7. 12. Monitor when use SGT2I
  1. 1. An example of ACEI
  2. 2. Added to ACEI + BB to manage HFrEF (mentione drug name)
  3. 3. Fluid accumulation in the lungs
  4. 6. chamber of the heart that pump blood to Aorta and carry oxygenated blood
  5. 8. Condition where the heart cannot pump effectively