Hi baby :)

  1. 6. Our go-to show on Netflix
  2. 8. The number of criminal offenses you would have to commit to be on the label of our favorite bottle of wine
  3. 9. How 'bout that egg salad?
  4. 10. The house of worship where we will raise our family
  5. 11. I got cocky and ordered you food without asking from this restaurant
  6. 12. Remember where we got our first beer together?
  7. 14. Everyone's favorite bar and grill in Bryan, OH
  8. 15. The road our future home is located on
  9. 16. We now both like to "borrow" these from bars
  10. 20. What would Joe say if I texted him right now and asked him to get lunch?
  11. 22. You stole this from me at the Christmas party and I had to pretend I was mad
  12. 24. This may or may not be what you want your wedding band to be made of
  13. 27. Artist of "our song"
  14. 30. The awesome tavern where we fell in love
  15. 31. I'm one of the few people in the world to get your dad to drink this many beers
  16. 32. The company that owned the awesome cabin that we fell in love at
  1. 1. Mandatory meat to be included with our first breakfast together upon your return
  2. 2. Mandatory drink to be included with our first breakfast together upon your return
  3. 3. This gentlemen sings an excellent rendition of Adele's song "Hello"
  4. 4. We held hands under the table and Mary called us out on it
  5. 5. I guess you could say I did this, since I kept my love to myself for so long before telling you
  6. 6. The greatest debate I've ever seen is whether or not this "word" is one or two words
  7. 7. The location of my most favoritest club sandwich
  8. 13. You caught me stealing this snack from your basement on several occasions
  9. 17. The day I asked you to do me the honor of being my girlfriend
  10. 18. A delicious dinner that we semi-fought over
  11. 19. A delicious pie, best when paired with a cold pint
  12. 21. What often precedes one of your infamous giggles
  13. 23. What I am because of you
  14. 25. Remember when we absolutely killed KK and Ryan at this game? (Totally didn't cheat)
  15. 26. A fun throwing game that resulted in us almost kissing at our favorite tavern
  16. 28. Whose apartment were we at when we first said we love each other?
  17. 29. This is the rating I would give if you asked me to rate the statement "I want to marry you"